Quit Weed Articles

quit marijuana

The Potency Of Marijuana Today

Among caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, marijuana is easily one of the most popular recreational drugs in the world today.

It is relatively cheaper than other recreational drugs and is a common target to anybody in their adolescence. Marijuana is still climbing in popularity every day.

Also rising is the strength of marijuana itself. People have been constantly researching and updating ways of growing stronger weed with a higher percentage of THC. A higher THC content means stronger effects making weed more valuable (and more expensive).

The plant is cannabis sativa and the main mind-altering ingredient it makes is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). About 420 other chemicals are in the plant. (yes, 420)

Dried particles of the female plant are smoked; usually the 'buds' as the density of THC is higher in that area of a plant. Pure THC is not available. If you were sold pure THC on the street it would probably have been something else, such as PCP, or hash.

thc stats - potency of marijuana

SOURCE: The University of Mississippi Poteney Monitoring Project

If you smoke marijuana today you are inhaling more than double the amount of THC compared with hippies in the 60s. Even people smoking only 10 years ago.

How Aoes THC Affect Me?

More potent amounts of THC will increase physical and mental effects and increases the likeliness of health problems for the user.

When you smoke marijuana, THC enters your blood via the walls of your lungs and quickly flows to your brain. THC is stored in fatty tissues and can be detected in urine for weeks or sometimes months if no Marijuana Detox is applied.

The effects of THC vary depending on the potency of the weed, the user & how tolerant they are of THC. (the more you smoke the more tolerant you are). It is possible to become addicted to marijuana and feel dependent. Every year thousands of people seek help to stop using marijuana.

Contrary to common belief marijuana is physically addictive. The problem is that people often don't quit smoking weed for many years. When they do try to quit weed, they discover a real challenge and many symptoms that can halt their attempts.

To help diminish the ill effects of this particular type of substance abuse, there are some THC detox products that are available in todays market. There are also some natural remedies available for people who would like to flush out the harmful toxins in the body.

Many people that have an addiction have no clear understanding as to the damage they needlessly inflict on their bodies. Of course they know it's bad for them, but they don't usually think far enough to consider the real consequences.

For someone that would like to quit weed without the stress, the best thing that can be done is to flush out the toxic waste to reduce the burden for the user.

What if you can't quit weed?

If you are having trouble quitting weed on your own, make sure to check out the famous quit weed guide. This course uses proven methods such as NLP, and other modern startegies including Natural Marijuana Detox, to help you quit weed easily on your own.

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